Cultural Immersion


Cultural Immersion

Local Language Lessons

Learn a local Ghanaian language and take your cultural immersion experience to the next level. While English is widely spoken and understood, to interact, transact, and negotiate more efficiently with locals, speaking a native language is a must. Language lessons are offered over a 6-week period and include a written guidebook.

Culture & Etiquette Training

Cultural norms can vary greatly between different areas, and Ghana is no exception. We will point out the subtle cultural differences that expats frequently experience, do’s and don’ts, and discuss ways to have improved interactions and business dealings with locals in Ghana. Includes a free Etiquette Guide.

Philanthropy ❤

Support charitable initiatives in Ghana and other countries in Sub-Saharan Africa by becoming a member of our 501c3 nonprofit organization, The African Diaspora Group, Inc. Together, we can bring solutions to long-standing needs on the African continent and make contributions towards building a prosperous, self-sufficient nation.